The Development & Implementation of a Common Application Platform to Support Local Energy Communities
Paper number
Working Group Number
Conference name
CIRED 2018 Ljubljana Workshop
Conference date
7 - 8 June 2018
Conference location
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Short title
Potter, Richard, EA Technology, United Kingdom
Coxcoon, Rachel, Centre for Sustainable Energy, United Kingdom
Dale, Mark, Western Power Distribution, United Kingdom
Ash, Richard, EA Technology, United Kingdom
Maltby, Poppy, Regen, United Kingdom
Hollingworth, Daniel, EA Technology, United Kingdom
Coxcoon, Rachel, Centre for Sustainable Energy, United Kingdom
Dale, Mark, Western Power Distribution, United Kingdom
Ash, Richard, EA Technology, United Kingdom
Maltby, Poppy, Regen, United Kingdom
Hollingworth, Daniel, EA Technology, United Kingdom
The way we generate electricity is changing from a centralised system with a handful of large power stations, to a distributed network of over one million smaller renewable energy generators. Demand for electricity could double by 2050, and the way we are using it will be different, for example the amount of battery storage is set to increase, and more of us will be using electric vehicles [1]. All this creates challenges for Transmission Network Operators (TSOs) and Distribution Network Operators (DNOs) who have to balance supply and demand to make sure the lights stay on. Currently the network in some areas is constrained because it wasn’t designed for two way flows of electricity. We have two options, upgrade the whole network now at an extremely high cost, or to introduce smart solutions to optimise the existing network, allowing us to upgrade the network only when and where needed. Smart solutions can be used to balance the supply of electricity and our increasing demand [1]. In GB it is estimated the latter option could save between £3-8billion by 2030. The scale of change is vast, and this presents exciting opportunities for communities to get involved in finding smart solutions and innovative ways of using the network we have more effectively. This paper outlines how a new Operating System (OS) call the Low Voltage Common Application Platform (LV-CAPTM) can 1) Provide local energy communities with access to electricity network data and 2) How it can be used by communities to implement local energy community schemes.
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