CIRED 2019 Conference

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CIRED 2019 Proceedings comprise papers presented at the 25th International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2019) held in Madrid, Spain (3-6 June 2019). CIRED is the leading forum for Electricity Distribution community and it covers the field of electricity distribution systems and associated services including dispersed and embedded generation issues; technical aspects of electricity supply; and related aspects such as cost reduction, environment, regulation, organisation and related IT systems. CIRED 2019 Proceedings are published by AIM (Association des Ingénieurs de Montefiore).


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    Digital Asset Capturing (DAC): an image recognition based algorithm supporting collection and analysis of overhead power grid assets
    (AIM, 2019-06-03) VALIGI, Enrico; BOLOGNESI, Massimo; CIANCARELLI, Francesco; Global I&N; Global I&N; Global I&N; Italy; Italy; Italy; VALIGI, Enrico,Global I&N, Italy; BOLOGNESI, Massimo, Global I&N, Italy; CIANCARELLI, Francesco,Global I&N, Italy
    Since last decade, electrical power companies have largely improved quality and efficiency of overhead power lines surveillance and infrastructure assets inspections thanks to aerial vehicles (AVs) applications. Regular visual inspection are performed to check the status of their power lines mainly using helicopter equipped with external gimbals housing cameras to detect anomalies or abnormal conditions as soon as possible. Current detailed aerial inspection approach uses trained inspectors who fly aboard helicopters to inspect the lines with binoculars and cameras, while recording the data in a logbook. These manual activities are expensive and affected by human errors. The paper presents a different approach to digital capture power grid assets and to detect visible anomalies on components based on Artificial Intelligence technologies.
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    Partial Discharge alert system in medium voltage switchgear
    (AIM, 2019-06-03) Gemme, Carlo; Guastavino, Francesco; Hencken, Kai; Krivda, Andrej; maret, Yannick; Testa, Marco; Gallesi, Federico; ABB; University of Genova; ABB; ABB; ABB; ABB spa; University of Genova; Italy; Italy; Switzerland; Switzerland; Switzerland; Italy; Italy; Gemme, Carlo, ABB, Italy; Guastavino, Francesco, University of Genova, Italy; Hencken, Kai, ABB, Switzerland; Krivda, Andrej, ABB, Switzerland; maret, Yannick, ABB, Switzerland; Testa, Marco, ABB spa, Italy; Gallesi, Federico, University of Genova, Italy
    Partial discharge (PD) is a well-known indicator of insulation problems in high voltage equipment. We report on experience collected during the development of a new online PD detection and alert system for air insulated switchgear (AIS) installed base. The approach taken to integrate the sensor with minimal retrofit effort and operational disruption is described. Results from a test setup including a line-up of panels and different reference PD sources in comparison to a commercial PD system are presented. The effect of cables connected to the switchgear is investigated by testing the system including additional capacitive load and using a simulation for a typical geometry. We also address the question regarding the design of an alert system to be used in connection with the continuous data acquisition.
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    Local flexibility markets: An economic solution for the upcoming influence of electrical charging station penetration
    (AIM, 2019-06-03) Kotthaus, Kevin; Pack, Sven; Hermanns, Jessica; Paulat, Frederik; Meese, Jan; Zdrallek, Markus; Neusel-Lange, Nils; Raczka, Sebastian; University of Wuppertal; University of Wuppertal; University of Wuppertal; University of Wuppertal; University of Wuppertal; University of Wuppertal; SPIE SAG GmbH; SPIE SAG GmbH; Germany; Germany; Germany; Germany; Germany; Germany; Germany; Germany; Kotthaus, Kevin, University of Wuppertal, Germany; Pack, Sven, University of Wuppertal, Germany; Hermanns, Jessica, University of Wuppertal, Germany; Paulat, Frederik, University of Wuppertal, Germany; Meese, Jan, University of Wuppertal, Germany; Zdrallek, Markus , University of Wuppertal, Germany; Neusel-Lange, Nils, SPIE SAG GmbH, Germany; Raczka, Sebastian, SPIE SAG GmbH, Germany
    The installation of decentralized renewable energies is still going on in low and medium voltage grids and will increase the frequency of congestions in the near future. Especially voltage range violations are issues caused by simultaneous power peaks of photovoltaic systems. The concept of local flexibility markets (LFM) provides a reasonable solution for the distribution system operators (DSO) preventive congestion management in an economic and ecological manner. Furthermore, local flexibility markets can support the rapidly advancing integration of electric vehicle charging stations in particular within urban grid structures, where the mentioned challenges will be at maximum. The process of optimizing the flexibility acquisition as a key component of local flexibility market solutions will be a key aspect in this paper. Individual procedures and the use of specific matching algorithm will be addressed in detail. For demonstrating how LFM can support the integration of electric vehicle charging stations, the results of an urban low voltage grid simulation will be highlighted.
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    Arc phenomena and method of arc extinction in air circuit breaker
    (AIM, 2019-06-03) Park, Woojin; Kim, Young Kook; Lee, Sangchul; Ahn, Kil-Young; Kim, Young-Geun; LSIS Co.- Ltd.; LSIS Co. Ltd.; LSIS Co. Ltd.; LSIS Co.; LSIS Co. Ltd.; Korea Republic of; Korea Republic of; Korea Republic of; Korea Republic of; Korea Republic of; Park, Woojin, LSIS Co.- Ltd., Korea Republic of; Kim, Young Kook , LSIS Co. Ltd., Korea Republic of; Lee, Sangchul, LSIS Co. Ltd., Korea Republic of; Ahn, Kil-Young, LSIS Co., Korea Republic of; Kim, Young-Geun, LSIS Co. Ltd., Korea Republic of
    Air Circuit Breaker (ACB) is an electric control devicethat interrupts the abnormal currents which result from theover-loads or short-circuits in Low voltage(less than1,000Vac or 1,500Vdc) distribution line. Recently, highercurrent breaking performance has become crucial inproviding the reliability for the modern devices requiringsmall scale and high performance. When ACB opens, inorder to isolate a fault no matter whether it is arcing faultor short circuit fault, an arc exist between the contacts.Immediately after the interruption, arc reignition canoccur, thus causing failure of interruption. Thereforediscontinuity of power supply is prolonged in this way.Therefore correct knowledge of microscopic processesthat can initiate and extinguish an arc is of greatimportance for reliability and quality of power in powersystems. An understanding of the interruption and reignition of an arc discharge has obvious significance forthe design and development of a wide variety of industrialdevices.[1]. When a short circuit occurs, a fault currentflows between the contacts of ACB even though they areseparated by the protective control system until ACBbreaks the fault current. In terms of arc extinguishing,ACB should generate as high an arc voltage as possibleduring breaking phase. The arc resistance (high arcvoltage) could lead the main circuit to zero arc current sothat arc plasma is eliminated.