CIRED 2018 Ljubljana Workshop on Microgrids and Local Energy Communities

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  • Item
    The innovative role of local system operator as a facilitator of grid and community services in the local electricity market
    (AIM, 2018-06-07) Ilieva, Iliana; Wang, Xue; Rajasekharan, Jayaprakash; Smart Innovation Norway; InnoEnergy; Smart Innovation Norway; Norway; Sweden; Norway; Ilieva, Iliana, Smart Innovation Norway, Norway; Wang, Xue, InnoEnergy, Sweden; Rajasekharan, Jayaprakash, Smart Innovation Norway, Norway
    Local electricity markets offer attractive solutions to long pending grid challenges associated with grid balancing, power quality and supply security, particularly with increased introduction of distributed renewable energy resources. This paper addresses questions regarding the roles, responsibilities and rights associated with local market participation, as well as issues that relate to the activities which can be carried out in the market. We describe the local system operator (LSO) as the most central role that is in charge of the operation of the local electricity market and we add to the state-of-the-art by paying particular attention to the possibilities that digitization offers within the local market context. More specifically, the capabilities of utilizing big data, machine learning and artificial intelligence to provide new or amplified business opportunities for the local market participants are central for the market design configuration that this paper focuses upon. Furthermore, we expect high stakeholder interest in the digitizationenabled innovative services around smart mobility and complementary offers of high diversity.
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    Evaluation of the impact of high presence of small DERs connected to the urban LV network
    (AIM, 2018-06-07) Katic, Juliana; Katic, Vladimir; University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences; University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences; Serbia; Serbia; Katic, Juliana, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Serbia; Katic, Vladimir, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Serbia
    The subject addressed in this paper is the evaluation of the impact of small Distributed Energy Resources (DER) connected to the low voltage network in an urban area of the distribution network. The aim of this paper is to show the impact of the DERs by analysing key performance indices of the network, with and without DER connected, and by analysing different DER output. To address the problem, the authors have used advanced distribution management system (ADMS) and performed analysis in study mode on real network model. Results obtained by software simulations were verified with real measurements data from the field.
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    The Role of Utilities in the Development of the Smart City
    (AIM, 2018-06-07) Hughes, Neil; Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI); The United States of America; Hughes, Neil, Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), The United States of America
    A smart city is ‘a place where traditional networks and services are made more efficient with the use of digital and telecommunication technologies, for the benefit of its inhabitants and businesses,’ according to the EU definition. In this context ‘networks’ consist of the many related infrastructures such as electricity, gas, heat, water, telecommunications and transportation/mobility; and ‘services’ are both commercial and public, including policing, waste, transport, commerce, housing and health, among others. Smart cities build on the concept of advanced energy communities (AECs) and integrate these holistically. These electrically contiguous areas will integrate multiple customer-owned distributed energy resources (DER) such as energy efficiency, demand response, customer storage, photovoltaic (PV) or other local generation, electrification, electric vehicles, combined heat and power (CHP), and district heating and cooling systems. Utility customers will look to these advanced technologies to provide benefits in comfort, convenience, and cost. Such communities also can achieve larger societal and utility goals such as decarbonisation, grid hardening, and grid support. An AEC can either be a new community development or involve reconstruction and retrofit of existing residential, commercial, or industrial communities.
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    LV network state estimation using decoupled load-flow algorithm
    (AIM, 2018-06-07) Antoncic, Mitja; Blazic, Bostjan; Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana; Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana; Slovenia; Slovenia; Antoncic, Mitja, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia; Blazic, Bostjan, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
    This paper presents a novel decoupled method for the power-flow expressions which are used as a part of the state-estimation algorithm at the low-voltage distribution level. The proposed simplifications are based on the particular characteristics of the low-voltage distribution network. The state-estimation results, obtained with the simplified method, are compared to the results of the state estimation with the classical power-flow equations.
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    Reliability Evaluation of Grid-Connected Microgrids with High Penetration of Renewable Distributed Energy Resources
    (AIM, 2018-06-07) Escalera Blasco, Alberto; Prodanovic, MIlan; Segovia, Rodrigo; Castronuovo, Edgardo D.; IMDEA Energy Institute; IMDEA Energy Institute; IMDEA Energy Institute; University Carlos III de Madrid; Spain; Spain; Spain; Spain; Escalera Blasco, Alberto, IMDEA Energy Institute, Spain; Prodanovic, MIlan, IMDEA Energy Institute, Spain; Segovia, Rodrigo, IMDEA Energy Institute, Spain; Castronuovo, Edgardo D., University Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
    Creation of microgrids in distribution networks under fault conditions is a well-known solution for improving network reliability. In order to provide operation in islanded mode, microgrids require advance control functionalities and an adequate level of distributed energy resources. However, variable renewable generation introduces several constraints with respect to possible network reliability improvements to the microgrid approach. This paper addresses these constraints and evaluates the options for reliability improvement of microgrids with high presence of renewable generation. Load shedding, energy storage, distributed generation and creation of smaller microgrids within a microgrid are all evaluated. The reliability improvements of these solutions were demonstrated by using an 11 kV island microgrid connected to a wider mainland network. The evaluation results identified the further opportunities for the supply reliability improvements in microgrids based on renewable and storage technologies.